Sunday, October 25, 2009

Delusions of Grandeur

It seems that Etta James' " At Last" was playing in my head, the moment that I met Bruner. He was exactly as Etta sang, " a dream". He was my dream. But I don't sleep so he was a BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE.

Brandon constructed an impressive backstory for his creation, "Brandon C. Bruner", sous chef.
Brandon was a man of the world, well versed in culture, language, film and wines, a jack of trades moonlighting as a sous chef with a passion for copy editing, a divorcee ruined by a jilted woman, a Columbia and CHIC graduate that loved his 3 young children.

The problem with delusions of grandeur .....Continuity and deception!

His "true" self unraveled faster than a corset at a brothel! The nature of which I divulge this information is as unimportant as it is unethical.

Brandon Christopher Bruner ( 4904) was ruined by his obsessions. His need for success forced him to leave his pregnant wife and small children for a diminishing chance of fame in Miami. His distain of his mediocre life forced him into the arms of mistress when he realized that his uneducated and plain wife did not fit into the grandeur of his "proposed' LIFE. His unhappiness fueled a sex addict that forced Brandon to patrol craigslist, escorts and adult sex sites for companionship. He faked his accent, his knowledge and EVERYTHING.

His eyes...enough of the